Friday, October 21, 2016

Journal Post 4: Project Plan Assignment

  Note: The dotted line means that this file may be not connected some times.

Site title – Tanner Worden Personal Website (Worden Website)

Developer – Tanner Worden

Rational or focus – The site is meant to be my personal/professional profile website. In it, interested people can find information about myself, my interests, my particular skillset and what I am currently working on. It will also be a platform to share things that I have worked on in the past such as the web sites we work on in this class. I hope to use this site to market myself and provide a one-stop location for any information a potential employer would want to know.

Main features outline – The site should have a simple navigation tabs at its top that will lead users through the site. Its primary areas will be personal information, professional information (resume), and works.

Content – The Web site, at this point, will have seven main pages including the homepage (index). There are three main sectionals to the site - Personal information, Professional information and Works.

§  Personal information
·         Interest
·         Bio

§  Professional information
·         Resume
·         Contact

§  Works
·         Portfolio
·         Projects

Target audience – Potential employers and people who share similar professional interest as myself.

Design considerations. The site should be primarily easy to navigate. It should also be simple but still give off a modern feel that would make viewers interested to continue exploring.

Limiting factors – There are some elements I would like to add to the site i.e. a message board, contact sharing features and other interactive content. Since I don’t have much in the way of java scripting knowledge, these features will be left out for now.  

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