Monday, November 21, 2016

Blog Post 7: Professional Learning Network

My experience when it comes to the professional learning network I would say was enlightening to say the least. It wasn’t a very social experience and there were some things within the network I don’t particular like such as the RSS feeds. I did find out what I do like about the system and how it can help me gather and process data on topics I’m interested in. for example, I just found out that there will be a Black-Friday sale for one of the components I need for my research project that I otherwise would have never known about. It also, in part, has probably brought on this more self-improvement mind set I have adopted as of late. I find myself watching a lot more “how to” videos as of late pertaining to everything from crafting things, programming and just every day self-improvement. For me, this is what I think is so valuable about a learning network. It gets people to search out information they otherwise would not be able to see. This can help people trying to better them-self or in the case of education and students, show them that there is more to what they are learning than what is presented in the classroom. I know that sounds vague but what I mean is that if student can find outlets outside of class that they can apply their knowledge to, the learning becomes all the more meaningful.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the PLN's can show students that learning is all around them also. That you do not need to see it in the classroom for it to be interesting, and that they could be part of historical decisions in their current day lives. I also agree that this type of learning is more valuable than just direct instruction.

